Shambhavi Mudra
Hi, Namaste π And Welcome back to our Website. Today, we are going to learn - Shambhavi Mudra Steps, Guidelines Instruction and ending with Variation of Shambhavi Mudra 3rd Session to practice after 3 weeks.
In this article and video of Shambhavi 3rd Session, I will show you - How to do Shambhavi Mudra for Sexual Energy, Detoxification, Emotion and Creative Energy using Ancient Indian Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya.
Let's Start it...
Shambhavi Mudra for Sexual Energy, Detoxification, Emotion & Creative Energy |
In previous episode / article - Second session of Shambhavi ,we improve and increased our Lungs Capacity and Stamina. I hope you have Watched and Practiced the Second Session for minimum three months. If you did not then don't start from this article - video (at the end).
This is the Third Session of Shambhavi Mudra Meditation. This 3rd Session will be on Body Detoxification Exercise, Sexual Energy, Creative Energy and Relate to Emotion etc.
And if you are NEW here, Start Practicing from the 1st Session for minimum three weeks to three months. And same with the previous 2nd Session. Then Read / Watch this 3rd Episode article and practice this Session.
Don't start practicing from the middle, Okay?
Alright, let's get back to this 3rd Session of Shambhavi Mudra.
What's in Shambhavi Mudra 3rd Session
So in this third session of Shambhavi Mudra, we are adding Detoxifying Exercise, following what we have learned from 2nd Session and lastly ending with 1st Session of Shambhavi Meditation, OK?This Detoxifying exercise called "KapalBhati / Kapalabhati / ΰ€ΰ€ͺाΰ€²ΰ€ाΰ€€ी ", which is the Best Breathing Exercise for your Brain's Frontal Lobe, Lungs and Weight loss.
As I told you in Every Session Video on YouTube, Shambhavi Maha Mudra Kriya is the Combination of Physical Yoga, Breathing Exercises and Meditation. And in Every Session, we are going to learn New things.
So Keep the Track of it and Practice Everyday Combinedly, like we are going to do today.
So, First we have to Learn and Practice Kapalbhati Properly Detoxifying Exercise together (for pros & Beginners level) and then we will Practice what we learned from 2nd Session and lastly we will do First Session for few minutes.
But, before that its important to know the Precaution and Benefits of Kapalbhati Detoxifying Exercise. Which we already talked in Kapalbhati Article & Video. So, I am not gonna write the Benefits and Precaution of Kapalbhati here - to Save Your Time.
How to do Kapalbhati Properly |
So, to do KapalBhati Properly, Your Focus Should be on Exhale. In Kapalbhati, We Rapidly Exhale from Stomach or Lower Abdomen and Remove all the air from abdomen by pulling Stomach Inwardly. In KapalBhati, Active Exhalation done and Passive Inhalation.
"Breath out Rapidly by
Pulling Stomach Inwardly,
and Breath in Naturally."
While doing KapalBhati your Focus must be on Exhale from your Belly button, Navel or Lower abdomen. There's a Chakra or Center of Energy situated in belly button below naval area or lower abdomen called " Sacral Chakra ".
The real name of this Chakra is " Svadhishthana ".
If you are Beginner and Never Practiced KapalBhati before, then for Beginners 5 to 7 Rapid Exhale is enough in one round set. Keep in mind one rapid exhale per second for beginners.
And if you are Regularly Practicing KapalBhati as a routine prana exercise, then you can do 10 rapid exhalations, but a little bit Faster. 2 rapid exhale per second.
So you understand now, How to do KapalBhati Properly?
We are going to do 3 round / sets of KapalBhati. Keep in mind, for Beginners one Rapid Exhale per Second and you will do minimum 7 rapid exhale. I will do 10 Rapid Exhale, but a little bit Faster in one round. (because I practice regularly)
Alright then, Let's get Started.
You already know these Guidelines, if you are Practicing from the first session from last year with Me.
Guidelines for Shambhavi Mudra 3rd Session
- Make sure, your mobile phones are in silent mode or switched off.
If you are watching on mobile then use service like 'DND' - Do Not Disturb. - If you wear glasses or contact lens, while doing the Yoga or Meditation, Please remove them and keep them aside.
- One more, last advice from me to you, by my own experience - Do Not Practice any Shambhavi Mudra Session with Full Stomach or immediately after a Meal.
Steps for Shambhavi Mudra 3rd Session
- First - Find a Place, where you will be Undisturbed for Period of Time.
- Second - Find a Comfortable Seat if you are outdoor.
If you are indoor, you can sit on the Floor, Cushion or Chair where you can Feel Comfortable.
The Yoga Mat is not mandatory. - Now take couple of Deep Breath, Calm your Mind. Relax your Whole Body.
- Sit Comfortably on the ground with cross-legged posture aka Indian Posture - 'Sukhasana' as shown in the First Session or 'Siddhasana' as shown in Second Session.
- But this is 3rd Session of Shambhavi Mudra Meditation, that's why I am sitting in 'Lotus Pose / Padmasana'.
Why? I already told you, in every session of Shambhavi Mudra, you are going to learn New things.
So, today's our Meditation Posture or Asana is "Padmasana" a Lotus pose.
You can sit in any posture you like, the important thing is your posture must be Comfortable.
Otherwise your whole Focus will be on your Leg and Back because of Discomfort and Pain. - Make Sure, Your Spine or Backbone is Comfortably Erect.
Hands uncrossed and Palms open. - We will hold 'Gyan Mudra' which is the Yoga Mudra for Meditation.
To make Gyan mudra, join the tip of your thumb and index finger to form a perfect Circle with that of thumbs and fingers.
Keep other three fingers Straight.Hands in Gyan Mudra - Hold this Mudra and Place the hands on your Knee with palm facing upward.
You can hold any hand Mudra, Gyan Mudra is Preferred not Mandatory.
It's all because the Benefits of Gyan Mudra is preferred.
If you are unable to hold any hand mudra, because of some reason like Injury or if you Feel more Comfortable by not taking any Hand Mudra, then you can just rest the Palm facing upward/downward on your knees like her.
No specific hand mudra, just keeping hands in Comfortably Relaxed Position on the Knees. - Make sure your Hands and Shoulder must be Loose and Relax.
- Now slowly, very slowly Close your Eyes.
Take couple of Deep Breath and Start doing KapalBhati - on 3, 2, 1. Start.Start doing Kapalbhati - Now, Relax your Abdomen Muscles.
Rest for few Seconds. Continue to Deep Breath.
This is one round, we will do two more rounds. - Keep your Eyes Closed and get Ready for Second Round - on 3, 2, 1. Start.
Now, Relax your Abdomen Muscles. Keep Breathing Deeply.
Keep your eyes closed and get ready for Last round of KapalBhati - on 3, 2, 1. Start. - Now, Completely Relax your Abdomen Muscles.
Keep Breathing Deeply. Keep your Eyes Closed. - Now, you are not Beginner anymore. We are practicing every day together, from last one year.
That's why I don't think, it will be Hard or Difficult for you to Find the Center of your both Eyebrows, where they Meet, Touch or Connect. - With your Eyes Closed, Look at the Center of your Eyebrows.
Roll your Pupils or Eyeballs to find the Center Point, where both eyebrows Meet and forms 'V' shape.
If it's still Difficult / Hard for you to find the Center of both Eyebrows, then partially Open your Eyes, just like we did in previous Second Session.Focus Eyebrows Center - With your eyes Partially Open, look at the center of your eyebrows where they meet or touch or connect, just like shown in previous second session.
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Centre of Eyebrows for Shambhavi Mudra Meditation |
Now, concentrate at that V shape or the center of both eyebrows for 3 Heartbeats or 3 Seconds - where these two curved lines meet.
Now, if you partially opened your eyes then slowly - very slowly, Close your Eyes.
Even after your eyes are closed....
Do not Concentrate. Just Maintain the Natural Focus between your Eyebrows.Focus on Center of both Eyebrows,On the " Third Eye Chakra ".
Be Conscious of the Natural movement of Breath.
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Distracted Thoughts During Shambhavi Meditation |
If you noticed yourself drifting off into your thoughts, Simply bring your Focus back to Breath.
" Breath-in, Breath-out,
Slowly Breath-in and Breath-out. "
When you Breath-in, Your Focus should be on the Center of both Eyebrows on the 3rd Eye Chakra.
And when you Breath-out, your Focus should be on your Belly button Lower Abdomen on the Sacral Chakra.
You don't need to make Noise or Sound of Breathing. We are just doing it few times in video below, so that you understand.
Remember, your Breath should be Deep Breath-in but very Slowly Breath-in.
Start Breathing Naturally. Bring your Awareness and Focus on Center of both Eyebrows on 3rd Eye Chakra. Breath-in and Breath-out.
Continue to practice like this for 10 to 20 minutes, because you are not Beginner anymore.
You are practicing with me for more than 10 months now.
Now Slowly, very slowly, Open Your Eyes.
❝ Feel the Freshness, Feel the Inner Peace,
Feel the Happiness within.
Enjoy that Blissful Moment with Me
and Your inner-self. ❞
Now tell us, How was your Experience of Shambhavi Mudra Third Session with Us. How did you Feel? Tell us in the Comment of Video on YouTube above. LOVE to Hear it from you.
Until the Next 4th Session of Shambhavi, Keep Practicing 3rd Session Everyday Okay? Every Single Day.
And yeah, don't go Outside unless it's necessary. Wear mask if you are going outdoor. Take Vaccine Dose, if Vaccine is available in your Country.
Save Yourself, Your Family,
and Your Country from CCP virus.
India is Helping World as much as it can. We already Created and Sent more than 61 Million Vaccine Doses to 98 Countries. Source - Government of India (* Data up-to 10th March 2021 only )
India Sent Vaccines to World |
Variation of 3rd Shambhavi Mudra Session
When You Deep Breath-in Full of your Lungs, Hold your Breath for 3 Heartbeats or 3 Seconds.
When You Deep Breath-in, Focus on 3rd Eye Chakra and When you fully Breath-out, Focus on Sacral Chakra.
Other Shambhavi Sessions -
- First Session of Shambhavi Mudra.
- Second Session of Shambhavi Mudra for increasing Mind Receptivity, Lungs Capacity, Awareness....
- 3rd Shambhavi Mudra Session for Sexual Energy, Detoxification....
And yeah, one more important thing you - asked for it. A Completely New Series, because of you and your questions you asked on our YouTube video...
You asked lots of Questions and there's nothing wrong with it. What else a Curious Person can do? Rather than asking a questions. So it's Completely Fine. The New Series will be Named "Shambhavi Questions".
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